By default, information consisting of the date and the program creating the file (see UTsetProg) is written to the audio file header or trailer. The routine AFsetInfo can be called before calling this routine to specify additional information to be written to the file.
This routine can write AU audio files, AIFF-C files, WAVE files, and headerless audio files.
For the fixed point file data representations, input values in the range [-1, +1) ([-.5, +0.5) for 8-bit data) will be converted without clipping. The scaling factor shown below is applied to the data before they are written to the file.
data format scaling factor file data values 8-bit mu-law 32,768 [-32,124, +32,124] 8-bit A-law 32,768 [-32,256, +32,256] 8-bit integer 256 [-128, 127] 16-bit integer 32,768 [-32,768, +32,767] 24-bit integer 8,388,608 [-8,388,608, +8,388,607] 32-bit integer 2,147,483,648 [-2,147,483,648, 2,147,483,647]For files containing floating-point data, values are scaled by unity before being written to the file.
FTW_AU = 1, AU audio file FTW_WAVE = 2, WAVE file (auto extensible format) FTW_WAVE_NOEX = 2 + 16, WAVE file (no extensible format) FTW_AIFF_C = 3, AIFF-C sound file FTW_NH_EB = 4 + 0, Headerless file (big-endian byte order) FTW_NH_EL = 4 + 16, Headerless file (little-endian byte order) FTW_NH_NATIVE = 4 + 32, Headerless file (native byte order) FTW_NH_SWAP = 4 + 48, Headerless file (byte-swapped byte order) FTW_AIFF = 5, AIFF sound file
FD_MULAW8 = 1, mu-law 8-bit data FD_ALAW8 = 2, A-law 8-bit data FD_UINT8 = 3, offset-binary 8-bit integer data FD_INT8 = 4, two's-complement 8-bit integer data FD_INT16 = 5, two's-complement 16-bit integer data FD_INT24 = 6, two's-complement 24-bit integer data FD_INT32 = 7, two's-complement 32-bit integer data FD_FLOAT32 = 8, 32-bit floating-point data FD_FLOAT64 = 9, 64-bit floating-point data FD_TEXT = 10, text data