Telecommunications & Signal Processing Laboratory
libtsp TSP Signal Processing Library
The libtsp package is a library of routines for signal
processing. It also includes a number of general purpose routines
useful for program development. Examples of programs using this
library for filtering, LPC analysis/synthesis and resampling are
available as part of the AFsp package.
The libtsp library routines are divided into a number
of categories, with the first two letters of the routine name
keyed to the category. Examples of the functions available are
listed for each category.
AF - Audio file routines
- Open and close audio files
- Read and write audio files
FI - Filtering routines
- Filter a signal (FIR and IIR filters)
- Generate windows (Hamming, Kaiser and raised-cosine)
- Design Kaiser-windowed lowpass filters
- Read filter coefficient files
FL - File routines
- Fill in the full path name for a file name
- Return the creation date for a file
- Prompt and read a line of text
- Read and write numeric data
- FN - Functions
- Bessel function (0'th order modified)
- Greatest common divisor
- Series expansion of Chebyshev polynomials
- Log base 2
MA - Matrix routines
- Allocate space for a matrix
- Print a matrix
- Calculate quadratic and bilinear forms
- Solve equations (Cholesky decomposition and Toeplitz matrix)
MS - Miscellaneous routines
- Convolve coefficients of two arrays
- Nearest integer, floor and ceiling functions
- Interpolate a table of values (linear and cubic)
- Rational approximation to a value
SP - Signal processing routines
- Fast Fourier transform (complex and real)
- Discrete cosine transform
- Calculate covariance or autocorrelation from a block of data
- Convert between linear prediction parameters (error filter
coefficients, predictor coefficients, cepstral coefficients,
line spectral frequencies, reflection coefficients, autocorrelation
- Solve for linear prediction coefficients (covariance and
autocorrelation methods)
- Calculate the mean-square filtering error
- Distance measures (Itakura-Saito and RMS log LPC)
- Quantize a value given a table of boundaries (binary search)
ST - String routines
- Copy and concatenate strings
- Decode numeric values from a string
- Match a string to a table of keywords
UT - Utility routines
- Decode command line options
- Error message routines
VR - Vector routines
- Print a vector of values
- Vector functions (zero an array, convert to dB, dot product,
minimum, maximum, scale, add, multiply)
- AFclose - Close an audio file
- AFdReadData - Read data from an audio file (return double values)
- AFdWriteData - Write data to an audio file (double input values)
- AFfReadData - Read data from an audio file (return float values)
- AFfWriteData - Write data to an audio file (float input values)
- AFopnRead - Open an audio file for reading
- AFopnWrite - Open an audio file for writing
- AFsetFileType - Set the input audio file type
- AFsetInfo - Set the audio file information string
- AFsetNHpar - Set defaults for input headerless audio files from a string specification
- AFsetSpeaker - Set defaults for loudspeaker spacial positions
- FIdBiquad - Filter a signal using a biquadratic IIR filter
- FIdConvSI - Filter a signal with an FIR filter (sample rate change)
- FIdConvol - Filter a signal with an FIR filter
- FIdFiltAP - Filter a signal with an all-pole IIR filter
- FIdFiltIIR - Filter a signal using a cascade of biquadratic IIR filters
- FIdKaiserLPF - Generate a Kaiser windowed lowpass filter
- FIdReadFilt - Read a filter coefficient file
- FIdWinHamm - Generate a generalized Hamming window
- FIdWinKaiser - Generate a Kaiser window
- FIfBiquad - Filter a signal using a biquadratic IIR filter
- FIfConvSI - Filter a signal with an FIR filter (sample rate change)
- FIfConvol - Filter a signal with an FIR filter
- FIfDeem - Deemphasize a signal using a first order recursive filter
- FIfFiltAP - Filter a signal with an all-pole IIR filter
- FIfFiltIIR - Filter a signal using a cascade of biquadratic IIR filters
- FIfKaiserLPF - Generate a Kaiser windowed lowpass filter
- FIfPreem - Preemphasize a signal using a first difference filter
- FIfReadFilt - Read a filter coefficient file
- FIfWinHCos - Generate a Hamming/cosine window
- FIfWinHamm - Generate a generalized Hamming window
- FIfWinKaiser - Generate a Kaiser window
- FIfWinRCos - Generate a raised-cosine window
- FIgdelFIR - Calculate the group delay for an FIR filter
- FIgdelIIR - Calculate the group delay for a cascade IIR filter
- FLbackup - Rename an existing file
- FLbaseName - Return the last component of a file path
- FLdReadData - Read numeric data in text form from a file
- FLdWriteData - Write a double array in text form to a file
- FLdate - Find the last modification time for a file (by name)
- FLdefName - Fill in file name components from a default string
- FLdirName - Return all but the last component of a file path
- FLexpHome - Expand the home directory specification for a file
- FLextName - Return the extension component of a file name
- FLfReadData - Read numeric data in text form from a file
- FLfWriteData - Write a float array in text form to a file
- FLfileDate - Find the last modification time for an open file
- FLfullName - Expand a file name path
- FLgetLine - Read a line of text from a file
- FLgetRec - Read and assemble a text record from an input stream
- FLhomeDir - Get the home directory for a user
- FLpathList - Fill in a directory for a file name from a list of paths
- FLpreName - Return the last component of a file name stripped of its extension
- FLprompt - Print a prompt
- FLreadLine - Print a prompt and read a line of text
- FNbessI0 - Evaluate the zeroth-order modified Bessel function of first kind
- FNevChebP - Evaluate a series expansion in Chebyshev polynomials
- FNgcd - Find the greatest common divisor of two integer values
- FNiLog2 - Find the integer greater than or equal to log (base 2) of a given value
- FNsinc - Evaluate the sin(pi*x)/(pi*x) function
- MAdAllocMat - Allocate a matrix of double values
- MAdFreeMat - Free an allocated double matrix
- MAdPrint - Print a double matrix along with a header text
- MAfAllocMat - Allocate a matrix of float values
- MAfChSolve - Solve a positive definite set of equations
- MAfFreeMat - Free an allocated float matrix
- MAfPrint - Print a float matrix along with a header text
- MAfSubMat - Set up pointers to a submatrix of a matrix of float values
- MAfSyBilin - Calculate a bilinear form for a symmetric matrix
- MAfSyQuad - Calculate a quadratic form for a symmetric matrix
- MAfTpQuad - Calculate a quadratic form for a symmetric Toeplitz matrix
- MAfTpSolve - Solve a Toeplitz set of equations
- MAiPrint - Print an integer matrix along with a header text
- MAlPrint - Print a long integer matrix along with a header text
- MSdConvCof - Convolve the coefficients of two vectors
- MSdDeconvCof - Polyomial divide (deconvolve the coefficients of two vectors)
- MSdIntLin - Interpolate a table of values using a piecewise linear interpolant
- MSdIntMC - Interpolate a table of values using a piecewise monotonic cubic interpolant
- MSdLocate - Binary search in a table
- MSdNint - Nearest integer function
- MSdPolyInt - Polynomial interpolation given a set of points
- MSfConvCof - Convolve the coefficients of two vectors
- MSfGaussRand - Generate a Gaussian pseudo-random value
- MSfIntLin - Interpolate a table of values using a piecewise linear interpolant
- MSfIntMC - Interpolate a table of values using a piecewise monotonic cubic interpolant
- MSfUnifRand - Generate a uniformly distributed pseudo-random value
- MSiCeil - Ceiling function for the ratio of two integers
- MSiFloor - Floor function for the ratio of two integers
- MSiPower - Integer raised to an integer power
- MSlCeil - Ceiling function for the ratio of two long ints
- MSlFloor - Floor function for the ratio of two long ints
- MSratio - Find a ratio of integers approximation to a floating point value
- SPautoc - Calculate the autocorrelation for a data sequence
- SPcepXpc - Convert cepstral coefficients to predictor coefficients
- SPcorBWexp - Bandwidth expand a set of correlation values
- SPcorFilt - Find filter coefficients to minimize the mean-square error
- SPcorFmse - Calculate the mean-square filtering error
- SPcorPmse - Calculate the mean-square prediction error
- SPcorXpc - Find predictor coefficients from autocorrelation values
- SPcovCXpc - Find predictor coefficients using the covariance lattice method (Cumani)
- SPcovFilt - Find filter coefficients using the covariance approach
- SPcovFmse - Find the mean-square error for a filter (covariance specified)
- SPcovLXpc - Find predictor coefficients using the covariance lattice method
- SPcovMXpc - Find predictor coefficients using the modified covariance method
- SPcovPmse - Calculate the mean-square prediction error (covariance specified)
- SPcovXpc - Find predictor coefficients using the covariance method
- SPcovar - Calculate a correlation (covariance) matrix for a data sequence
- SPdCFFT - Fast Fourier transform (complex data)
- SPdQuantL - Binary search for a bounding interval
- SPdRFFT - Fast Fourier transform of a real sequence
- SPecXpc - Convert prediction error filter coefficients to predictor coefficients
- SPfCFFT - Fast Fourier transform (complex data)
- SPfDCT - Calculate the discrete cosine transform
- SPfQuantL - Binary search for a bounding interval
- SPfQuantU - Binary search for a bounding interval
- SPfRFFT - Fast Fourier transform of a real sequence
- SPlpcISdist - Calculate the Itakura-Saito LPC spectral distance measure
- SPlpcLSdist - Calculate the RMS log LPC spectral distance measure
- SPlsfXpc - Convert LSF's to predictor coefficients
- SPpcBWexp - Bandwidth expand a set of predictor coefficients
- SPpcXcep - Convert predictor coefficients to cepstral coefficients
- SPpcXcor - Convert predictor coefficients to correlation values
- SPpcXec - Convert predictor coefficients to prediction error filter coefficients
- SPpcXlsf - Convert predictor coefficients to line spectral frequencies
- SPpcXrc - Convert predictor coefficients to reflection coefficients
- SPrcXpc - Convert reflection coefficients to predictor coefficients
- STcatMax - Append characters to a string (maximum length specified)
- STcopyMax - Copy at most Maxchar characters to a string
- STcopyNMax - Copy N characters characters to a string
- STdec1double - Decode a double value
- STdec1float - Decode a float value
- STdec1int - Decode an integer value
- STdec1long - Decode a long integer value
- STdecDfrac - Decode a ratio specification of two double values
- STdecIfrac - Decode a ratio specification of two integer values
- STdecIrange - Decode a range specification for integer values
- STdecLrange - Decode a range specification for long integer values
- STdecNdouble - Decode double values (variable number)
- STdecNfloat - Decode float values (variable number)
- STdecNint - Decode integer values (variable number)
- STdecNlong - Decode long integer values (variable number)
- STfindToken - Find the first token string in a string
- STkeyMatch - Match a string to keyword strings
- STkeyXpar - Decode keywords and return parameter values
- STstrLC - Copy a string, changing uppercase characters to lowercase
- STtrim - Copy a string, trimming leading and trailing white-space
- STunQuote - Copy a string, removing outer quote characters
- UTdate - Return a date/time string for the current time
- UTerror - Print user and system error messages, stop with error status set
- UTfree - Deallocate a block of memory
- UTgetOption - Decode command line options and arguments
- UThalt - Print an error message, stop with error status set
- UTmalloc - Allocate a block of memory
- UTrealloc - Reallocate a block of memory
- UTsetProg - Set the program name for messages
- UTsysMsg - Print user and system warning messages
- UTuserName - Get the user name and host name
- UTwarn - Print a warning message
- VRdAdd - Element-by-element sum of two double arrays
- VRdCopy - Copy an array of doubles
- VRdCorSym - Find the correlation coefficient for a vector and its reversal
- VRdDotProd - Dot product of two double arrays
- VRdLinInc - Generate a linearly spaced array of values
- VRdMult - Element-by-element product of two double arrays
- VRdPrint - Print a double array along with a header text
- VRdRFFTMSq - Calculate the magnitude squared spectrum for the DFT of a real sequence
- VRdScale - Multiply each element of a double array by a scalar value
- VRdSet - Set each element in an array of doubles to a given value
- VRdShift - Shift the elements of an array of doubles
- VRdSymPart - Find the symmetric or anti-symmetric part of a vector
- VRdZero - Zero an array of doubles
- VRfAdd - Element-by-element sum of two float arrays
- VRfAmpldB - Convert each value in an array of amplitudes to a decibel value
- VRfCopy - Copy an array of floats
- VRfCorSym - Find the correlation coefficient for a vector and its reversal
- VRfDiff - Element-by-element difference of two float arrays
- VRfDiffSq - Find the sum of squares of the differences for two float arrays
- VRfDotProd - Dot product of two float arrays (double result)
- VRfLog10 - Find the logarithm (base 10) of each element of an array
- VRfMax - Return the maximum value in a float array
- VRfMin - Return the minimum value in a float array
- VRfMult - Element-by-element product of two float arrays
- VRfPow10 - Find 10 raised to the power of each element of an array
- VRfPrint - Print a float array along with a header text
- VRfRev - Reverse the order of the elements of an array
- VRfScale - Multiply each element of a float array by a scalar value
- VRfSet - Set each element in an array of floats to a given value
- VRfShift - Shift the elements of an array of floats
- VRfSum - Calculate the sum of elements in an array of floats
- VRfZero - Zero an array of floats
- VRiPrint - Print an integer array along with a header text
- VRiZero - Zero an array of ints
- VRlPrint - Print a long integer array along with a header text
Author / revision
P. Kabal - kabal@ECE.McGill.CA
Telecommunications & Signal Processing Laboratory
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
McGill University
Montreal, Canada H3A 2A7