"auto" - determine the input file type from the file header "AU" or "au" - AU audio file "WAVE" or "wave" - WAVE file "AIFF" or "aiff" - AIFF or AIFF-C sound file "noheader" - headerless (non-standard or no header) audio file "SPHERE" - NIST SPHERE audio file "ESPS" - ESPS sampled data feature file "IRCAM" - IRCAM soundfile "SPPACK" - SPPACK file "INRS" - INRS-Telecom audio file "SPW" - Comdisco SPW Signal file "CSL" or "NSP" - CSL NSP file "text" - Text audio file
If the input string contains has a leading '$', the string is assumed to specify the name of an environment variable after the '$'. This routine uses the value of this environment variable to determine the parameters. For instance, if this routine is called as AFsetFileType("$AF_FILETYPE"), this routine would look for the parameter string in environment variable AF_FILETYPE.