"Format, Start, Sfreq, Swapb, Nchan, ScaleF"
"undefined" - Headerless files will be rejected "mu-law8" - 8-bit mu-law data "A-law8" - 8-bit A-law data "unsigned8" - offset-binary 8-bit integer data "integer8" - two's-complement 8-bit integer data "integer16" - two's-complement 16-bit integer data "integer24" - two's-complement 24-bit integer data "integer32" - two's-complement 32-bit integer data "float32" - 32-bit floating-point data "float64" - 64-bit floating-point data "text" - text data
"native" - no byte swapping "little-endian" - file data is in little-endian byte order and will be swapped if the current host uses big-endian byte order "big-endian" - data is in big-endian byte order and will be swapped swapped if the current host uses little-endian byte order "swap" - swap the data bytes
"default" - Scale factor chosen appropriate to the type of data. The scaling factors shown below are applied to the data in the file. 8-bit mu-law: 1 8-bit A-law: 1 8-bit integer: 128 16-bit integer: 1 24-bit integer: 1/256 32-bit integer: 1/65536 float data: 32768 "<number or ratio>" - Specify the scale factor to be applied to the data from the file.
"undefined, 0, 8000., native, 1, default"
Leading and trailing white-space (as defined by isspace) is removed from each item. Any of the parameters may be omitted, in which case whatever value has been previously set remains in effect for that parameter. The string ",512, 10000." would set the Start and Sfreq parameters and leave the other parameters undisturbed.
If the input string contains has a leading '$', the string is assumed to specify the name of an environment variable after the '$'. This routine uses the value of this environment variable to determine the parameters. If this routine is called as AFsetNHpar("$AF_NOHEADER"), this routine would look for the parameter string in environment variable AF_NOHEADER.